Friday 30 January 2015

Thursday 29 January 2015

Where the Pandora Box Trailer May be Featured

To give my audience the easiest access possible to our trailer, I would allow it to be posted on sites that they are very familiar with and use often. Using social media to promote the film trailer will help to ensure a larger audience watch the trailer; furthermore this also encourages the use of web 2.0. Below I have looked into some of the websites or apps I could use to promote our trailer.

YouTube would be the first place that I would upload my trailer would feature. It has around 1 billion active users per month and 4 billion video views per day. Knowing these statistics would ensure that our trailer would be viewed by a wide audience. Additionally it's also simple to upload post and comment on the site, and the majority of my target audience will be familiar with how to use it as our target audience are teenagers. YouTube also allows convergence with other sites like Facebook and Twitter so it's an effective way of connecting all the promotion for my trailer together. Furthermore uploading our trailer to YouTube would mean people can share the trailer easily to these sites by the click of a button.

The main way to promote the trailer would be through the use of social media, namely Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Facebook has 864 million active users daily, Twitter has 284 million per month and Instagram has over 200 million per month. They are clearly all very popular forms of social media and so using them to promote my video would be an effective way of easily. These social networking sites are also free to use and can reach an audience of millions across the world. On Facebook, a page could be set up so fans can like the page to allow the film to start getting a fan base, furthermore this could ensure that people who may not necessarily like the fantasy genre film still see the trailer featured if they click on to the page created for the film. I would similarly make a Twitter account and post the trailer there too or provide a link to YouTube, demonstrating convergence. Instagram is a photo sharing app so I may post my ancillary texts on there or behind the scenes photos from shooting to promote the film and trailer. It does allow video uploading but only at a time limit of 15 seconds so I could post a preview of the full trailer and then provide a link to it. Social media will encourage people to discuss the video and therefore people may watch it even if it isn't what they would usually choose to consume.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Shooting Schedule

Our shooting schedule was originally not harnessed down with dates, because we were unsure of our actors and time frames and when they were all available, we have later added in the dates of the days we filmed as we kept changing the dates around to make sure that both of us were free along with the actors we needed to use. This meant we had to film on a variety of days to film different people when they were free. Here is our initially shooting schedule:

Day one of shoot: 18th February 2015

- Katie

- The box we have chosen to use for Pandora’s Box
- Camera
- Tripod

- Pandora’s costume - blouse and leggings with a belt

Day two of shoot: 27th February 2015

- Mufaro
- Katie

- The box we have chosen to use for Pandora’s Box
- Scarf
- Stick
- Camera
- Tripod

- Pandora’s costume - blouse and leggings with a belt
- Mufaro’s character – black top and black trousers

Day three of shoot: 1st March 2015

- Becky
- Katie
- Billy

- The box we have chosen to use for Pandora’s Box
- Knife, fake blood
- Camera
- Tripod

- Pandora’s costume - blouse and leggings with a belt
- Becky – black and leather attire

- Other characters - black