Friday 3 October 2014

Research: Audience Questionaire

Me and Becky created this questionnaire to give to our ideal target audience and got them to complete 15 and then we will collect the results from these which will help us to add certain things into our trailer. 

I have created a questionnaire to hand out to people to determine the type of audience my film trailer, and other media products, will be aimed towards.  I have used mainly closed questions so that I can analyse the results easily and create graphs and charts based on the results. The questionnaire is as follows:

Male   [   ]     Female   [   ]

Under 10   [   ]     11 – 17   [   ]     18 – 29   [   ]      30+   [   ]

How often do you watch movies?:
Everyday   [   ]     Once a week   [   ]      Once a month   [   ]     Less than once a month   [   ]

Do you enjoy watching movies?:
Yes   [   ]     No   [   ]     Sometimes   [   ]

Do you enjoy watching fantasy/horror movies?:
Yes   [   ]     No   [   ]     Sometimes   [   ]

Does a film trailer influence if you watch a film?:
Yes   [   ]    No   [   ]     Sometimes   [   ]

Does an actor’s appearance in a film influence you to watch the film?:
Yes   [   ]     No   [   ]     Sometimes   [   ]

Does a film poster influence you to watch the film?:
Yes   [   ]     No   [   ]     Sometimes   [   ]

Which style of horror film do you find more scary?:
Realistic   [   ]     Fantasy   [   ]     Both   [   ]

Which is your favourite genre of film?:

Where do you prefer to watch movies?:
Cinema   [   ]     At home   [   ]      Online   [   ]     Other   [   ]

Where do you find out about new movies?:
TV trailers   [   ]     Online trailers   [   ]     Magazines   [   ]     Cinema   [   ]

Do you read movie magazines?:

Yes   [   ]     No   [   ]     Sometimes   [   ]

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