Monday 22 December 2014

Script for Trailer

Script: After the pick-up in pace of music.
(cut the first 10 seconds of music)

1.       (10-25 seconds). Eyes waking up, lighting a candle and it flickering on her face, close up of the box

2.       (25-32 seconds) Men grabbing her, in candle light so it keeps flickering between dark and light. Punch to the face and fighting

3.       (32-46 seconds) MAN: “where is it?”, GIRL: “I DON’T KNOW”, MAN: *whispering sinisterly* “tell me before I separate your eyes from your skull”, now chocking her against something with his hand. *girl screaming and fumbling on under her pillow*, *pulls out a knife and stabs him*.

4.       (46-54 seconds) Girl looking down at her hand covered in blood, shaking, as she sits in a pool of blood, checking the box.

5.       (54-1:01) sitting on a horse back at sunset, holding the box and looking out at the world

6.       (1:01-1:08) her strapping all of her arms and legs up

7.       (1:08-1:23) montage of practicing to fight, training, riding etc

 As our video does not contain any full scenes; there are only clips of audio taken from different scenes. We have however written out all of the audience we want in our trailer. We have scripted this out as when we are filming we will have the actor’s mouth out these words and then later go back and re-record so that there was no background noise. This will not only help the actors but also when we are editing the video it will help us line up the audience and video.

PANDORA VOICE OVER: I’m sure you are familiar with your Greek mythology; there was a girl, named Pandora, created by the gods from water and earth. 
Zeus entrusted her with a box with the instructions of never to open it as it contained an evil that could destroy the world.
So if I were you I wouldn't be traveling these parts with such greed in your hearts, hunting for something you cannot possibly understand. You might end up dead.

ASSASSIN: Where is it?
PANDORA: I don’t know what you’re talking about

PANDORA:  This burden it’s too heavy

MALE: You’re strong, a lot stronger than your realise

Saturday 6 December 2014

Technical Equipment Needed for Filming

We will be filming our entire film trailer with a SONY Cyber-shot  DSC- HX20V camera. It has a long zoom and picks up colours very well so this allows the colours in our trailer to be nice and vibrant. It has multiple high definition modes which means out trailer will be sharp for the audience. It is small and compact which is great for travelling around with the camera, this is helpful because we will be filming a lot of our clips in the woods which means we will be moving around the trees, furthermore we are having a few handheld shots because of our theme, so having a small camera to hold but is still great quality is perfect for this filming task. 

This is a photo of the tripod we will be using, We aren't going to be using a tripod for all of our shots, however for the scenes that will be filmed inside, it will be a lot easier to use a tripod rather then trying to hold the camera still. We will also be using the tripod for any establishing shots. 

Friday 5 December 2014

Location Planning

We thought about using many places for our filming location, we went to Lloyd Park which is relatively near to where we live and explored the woods in the park to try to find a good location. We found several patches of woods which would think would be good to film in.

As this is a public place we do not need to gain any permission to film here. We went towards sun set and this is the time we are thinking of filming to give it that eerie but not quite dark look. We had a go at filming some little segments just on our phones to see how the location would look on moving camera and were happy with the results.