Saturday 6 December 2014

Technical Equipment Needed for Filming

We will be filming our entire film trailer with a SONY Cyber-shot  DSC- HX20V camera. It has a long zoom and picks up colours very well so this allows the colours in our trailer to be nice and vibrant. It has multiple high definition modes which means out trailer will be sharp for the audience. It is small and compact which is great for travelling around with the camera, this is helpful because we will be filming a lot of our clips in the woods which means we will be moving around the trees, furthermore we are having a few handheld shots because of our theme, so having a small camera to hold but is still great quality is perfect for this filming task. 

This is a photo of the tripod we will be using, We aren't going to be using a tripod for all of our shots, however for the scenes that will be filmed inside, it will be a lot easier to use a tripod rather then trying to hold the camera still. We will also be using the tripod for any establishing shots. 

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