Tuesday 3 March 2015

Magazine Name Survey

In order to get a name for our magazine which was popular with our target audience, I created a survey on surveymonkey to see which of all of the ideas we had had for out magazine title was the most popular. The first question on this survey was asking what the gender of the person taking the survey was. From the 5 people which we had answer the survey, two were male and three were female. This is fairly equal which shows that the results we have gathered are true of both a male and female gender. 

The next question is asking what the age of the participant of the survey. We had people ranged from 12 to 21 answer our survey, however the majority of the people answering the survey were ages 15-17. As our target audience is older teenagers, this means that we have our niche audience answering the survey and therefore the results will be more relevant. One thing we could have improved when creating our survey is people selecting their specific ages instead of an age bracket.

The final question is one about which magazine name they find the most appealing. Overall the most popular magazine title, with 3 out of 5 votes, is the title 'Outtake'. 

This survey could have been improved by us making the sample size bigger, asking more people to answer our survey for us. This makes sure that we have a definite representation of what this demographic finds appealing. However, due to time and finding people to answer our survey we only managed to get 5 people to answer it. 

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