Saturday, 28 February 2015

Placing our Film Poster in Different Locations

Once we had finished editing our poster, we placed our poster on to different locations where a film poster may stereo typically be placed. This will allow our poster to be advertised to all members of public, of all genders and ages. However we decided to place it on a bus stop shelter because this is where a lot of teenagers are found, as they are use public transport because they haven't learnt to drive yet. Moreover teenagers is our target audience so this could capture their attention. 
This is our poster that has been edited on to a poster board at a train station, this is a a conventional place for film posters to be advertised as there is always members of the public waiting for trains and when people don't have anything to do, the poster will attract their attention which means they would have knowledge that the film is being shown in cinemas soon. 

Lastly I have edited our film poster on to a billboard that is located on the side of the road. This allows drivers who are driving past to view the poster and make them aware of the film.It would be placed on one of the busiest roads as this would allow a larger audience to view the poster, furthermore on busier roads means that there could be more traffic jams, so if there is one then the people stuck in the traffic jam would almost be faced to look at it. 

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