Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Different Types of Film Posters

Known places for film posters to be seen are usually in populated areas, like train or tube stations, a lot of advertisements are placed on the escalators so that members of the public can view them on the way up or down while they're standing there. You see film posters of billboards, bus stops, in cinemas, so that when you are queuing to collect or buy tickets for one film, other films can be promoted at the same time, and on buses themselves.

Because of this there are many different sizes and shapes of posters which are required to be made for the promotion of films, especially big Hollywood block busters made by conglomerate companies. These companies have the accessibility and budget to create several posters to promote their film whereas smaller companies may create one or two posters which will only be displayed in a few spots and promoting on, the sides of buses for example, is very expensive.

The outline for our product is that we only have to create one poster to promote our film. I believe we will be creating a standard A4 portrait poster which could be used in a cinema, much like the posters on the last image I have placed here. Through researching many types of poster we should be able to draw up exactly what is required on our poster to make it a successful as well as interesting product. 

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